The Importance of Good Sleeping Habits

By: Talik Hill

“True silence is the rest of the mind and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body,

nourishment and refreshment” (William Penn).


Sleep is an act that reveals the integral mind-body connection that we as humans all

have, which is a testament to what was historically believed before. This notion has

been taken seriously by the medical industry, especially in the case of mental health

professionals. Sleep is a process that involves alternating between two modes, REM,

rapid eye movement, and non-REM sleep, and the disruption or hindering of this

process can dramatically cause the standard of life to decline. Practicing good sleeping

habits is vital for attaining wellness, both mentally and physically.

The Process

When you fall asleep, the brain switches between two modes of sorts within a cycle.

The first mode is considered “non-REM sleep”, otherwise known as “non-rapid eye

movement”, which includes four stages (Suni 2022). The first stage begins when you fall

asleep, which usually lasts between 1 to 5 minutes (Suni 2022).

The second stage is a continuation of the reduction of the productivity of the “brain and

body”, lasting “10 to 60 minutes” (Suni 2022). Stage 3, also known as “Delta sleep”, is

considered the most difficult non-REM stage to awake from, which lasts from “20-40

minutes” (Suni 2022). There’s a notion that the depth of sleep from this stage

contributes to providing restorative qualities to the physical body, cognitive thinking, and

long-term memorization.

The final stage is stage 4, which is also considered to be “REM sleep” (Johns Hopkins

Medicine n.d.). This stage is vital for allowing the brain to perform essential functions

like “memorization and learning” (Suni 2022).

There are also two other vital factors that help with controlling the maintenance of sleep,

which are “sleep-wake homeostasis”, compensating for the loss of sleep to maintain

equilibrium, and the “circadian rhythms”, the body’s 24-hour internal clock that

determines energy levels reliant on exposure to light (Suni 2022).

Implications of Bad Sleeping Habits


● Reduced Alertness. This could cause reduced reaction time and impaired

cognitive & motor abilities.

● Increases susceptibility to developing anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

● Lack of energy or desire to socialize, therefore contributing to loneliness or


● Triggers psychotic episodes, like mania, paranoia, or psychosis.

● Reduced concentration, memorization, and learning capabilities.

Benefits of Good Sleeping Habits


● Improved attention span.

● Longer life expectancy.

● Prevents weight gain.

● Improved mood and helps with stress management.

● Aids in imagination and problem-solving skills.


The Causes & Who are the most Susceptible


According to the American Psychiatry Association, “To be diagnosed with insomnia

disorder, the sleep difficulties must occur at least three nights a week for at least three

months” (2013). Certain conditions can obstruct sleep, with insomnia being one of them.

The most common sleeping disorders are insomnia, the difficulty going and remaining

asleep, sleep apnea, the comprise of breathing, restless leg syndrome, an

uncomfortable feeling in the legs and intense compulsion to move them, hypersomnia,

repeatedly being tired during the day, circadian rhythm disorders, issues with waking up

and falling asleep at unusual times, and parasomnia, strange behavior concerning

falling, awakening and during sleep (MedlinePlus).

Individuals who are the most susceptible are those who are over the age of 65, those

with certain lifestyles that prevent adequate sleep, mattress quality, alteration in

schedules, too much stress, and other underlining conditions like depression, stroke

recovery, and cancer (CedarsSinai).


The TakeAway


Having a sleep regimen that promotes sufficient sleep, is beneficial for your mental and

physical health in the long term. The act of sleep is a process that if disrupted will

diminish the quality and enjoyment of life. If this isn’t corrected, this can snowball into

conditions known as sleep disorders, which can be expressed in different ways and

certain individuals are more likely to develop them.

These disorders can be avoided when you can identify when there’s a problem and

when you decide to take the first step in solving it, which often includes getting help. You

can do this by scheduling an appointment at Harvard Avenue Counseling Services

which provides convenient and affordable therapy from the comfort of your home.


Another article that contains information relevant to this article is called Mental Health

Apps: Accessories to Therapy




Penn, William. (n.d.). 50 of the Best Sleep Quotes. SensaCalm.


JOHNS HOPKINS Medicine. The Science of Sleep: Understanding What Happens

When You Sleep. Hopkinsmedicine.



Suni, Eric. (2022, April 13). How Sleep Works. Sleep foundation.


Mind. (2020, May). How to cope with sleeping problems.



MyHealthFinder. (2022, 1 June). Get Enough Sleep. Health.


Suicide Line Victoria. (n.d.). The mental health benefits of sleep. Suicideline.



CedarsSinai. (n.d.). Sleep Deprivation.




American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). What are Sleep Disorders?




Crafting Your Daily Routine


Mental Health Apps: Accessories to Therapy